Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ode to Awesome Stuff

No pictures again ( Bummer!), However I was thinking about three things that have made my life better this week and I wanted to share them. It's just like Oprah's favorites show, only there are around 4 of you who read this blog, and you're not getting anything for free, and It's nothing like that show at moving forward.

1. Spices, specifically Penzeys Spices - They say the variety is the spice of life, which is completely untrue. Spices are the spice of life and they are so good such a good job that they do not ever need to be replaced by something as mundane as variety.

If you are just a salt and pepper man ( or woman) then you are completely missing the boat. About a month ago I stopped in at Penzey's spice shop and picked up all kinds of goodies like Pizza Spice, Greek Seasoning, and Brady Street Cheese Sprinkle. Basically I had some Birthday money to burn and if it smelled good and sounded exotic I took a small can home. The results have been outstanding. Normal meals, even sandwiches had a new special zip that has been making meals even better. To see what I mean visits Penzeys online shop and get some of the aforementioned Brady Street Cheese Sprinkle. Mix it in with some regular ground beef, ball it up and in one step you have some seriously good meatballs. Take it a step further and throw in some chopped cilantro and make it into burger patties. Then grill those bad boys and use put them between two four tortillas that already have cheese melted on them, add your favorite mexican fix'ns for one tasty Quesadilla Burger.

The fun really never ends. If your dinner has been getting dull these days then I recommend going out and trying some new spices. you might like it, you might not, but you'll have fun experimenting and it will get you fired up to cook.

2. Skype and Web Phones - A few weeks back my parents came to visit and turned us to a Web phone and video conferencing application called Skype. It is the greatest thing since sliced bread. My dad and I went out and bought matching Web cams. ( I know, how cute....well I'll just have you know they are very high tech and manly Web cams so just BACK OFF!) . Since we set them up my phone calls home have been much more fun ( and much more free, which is great) My parents can see the baby any time they want and they can comment on my receeding hairline as we catch up for the week. In fact we recently found our friends Todd and Jen Cooper on Skype and it was nice to see them in Alabama and watch their dog do a few pretty impressive tricks. Skype is free so there is no excuse not to have it, so if you have a Web came let us know and we'll get in touch. I'm having way too much fun with this thing.

3. Flylady - I will admit I know next to nothing about this one. Carrie got it from here sister and from what I can tell it is basically some form of housewife bootcamp used to get your house in shape and boost your self esteem. All I know is that our house is now regularly clean and and Life is just that much more pleasant. Guys, set your homepage to , see if your wife gets the hint and watch it work. You'll thank me later.

Again, it's late and that's all I got. Later Friends,


Carrie said...

Carrie, I met the fly lady. She was one of the few "celebrities" I met while working at the radio station. She was really friendly and gave me a magnet.

Carrie said...

And Chris, I'm loving your Sunday evening posts.