Sunday, March 2, 2008

Some Random Thoughts

I just checked my car's odometer and I am a few miles away from logging 89,000 miles on my car in a just about 3 years. I guess that's just part of being a salesman, but driving so frequently gives me a lot of time to think. Usually I'll spend the time listening to sports talk radio , but lately I've been leaving the radio off and developing some pretty strong opinions. Since these ideas do me no good unspoken and I have already convinced myself I decided I should write a few of these down to see if I still agree with myself in a few months. So without any further ado, some random thoughts.

* I have always had a lot of fun watching American Idol, however this year I think they are trying to rig the show and it's getting me a littled T.O.ed. David Archuleta is going to win, I have no problems with this. However I think that the producers, the judges, and even Seacrest are spending an unusual amount of time telling me that the burger I'm seeing is really a Thanksgiving feast. Fact: Micheal Johns sucks. He is seldom in tune and he sounds like the lead singer of a million local bands. Why do the judges keep tossing out the complements when he is so average week after week. I feel like he is being forced down my throat and I don't like it one bit. On that note this is not " the most talented group ever" however, A.I. thinks that if they say it enough we will eventually believe it. Again, don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.
Other than that I have no problems with the show, it's fun as always and I'm still having a good time with it.

* Since Mitt Romney dropped out I have been completely bored with the Presidental Race. Obama vs. Hillary does nothing for me because regardless of the outcome the DNC is going to force the two to run together in November. However, watching Obama has given me hope, but not in the way he would expect. Obama has proven to the whole world that if you are good public speaker you don't need experience, vision, or a sane plan for the future. You just need to get on stage, do your thing, get the ol' "Yes We Can!" chant going and you can do anyting you want. As someone who doesn't mind giving a speech or two I am thrilled. Not for our country, but for myself. I am now going to actively look for opportunities to speak to groups about subjects upon which I have very little knowledge or expereince. I think if I play my cards right I can be the governor, CEO, or dictator of a small country within a few years. If Barack can do it, then YES I CAN!

*If the NFL Draft is wrong then I don't wanna be right. I have already watched every televised hour of the combine and read nearly 100 online Mock Drafts.I am going into convulsions waiting for the Draft preview magazines to come out. I have a problem.

However, I also have a pretty good idea how this thing should go. First, the Giants pick last in the first round and should be able to get either Dan Connor or Keith Rivers to boost their Linebacking corps. However if they go CB or OL I would not be suprised. Regardless of what they do I know it will be the right thing, and thats why I love Jerry Reese. It's great knowing that your team is one of the top 5 smartest in the draft and they will find a way to reload.

On the oppositve end of the spectrum are the Cheifs and I can't shake the feeling they are going to screw this up. Jake Long is the obvious pick but he won't be there at 5, I think he goes 1 to the Dolphins or 2 to the Rams. Picking the next best OL is not a good idea because then they will reach for a need. Most scout have Ryan Clady rated as the next best at the position but my eyes tell me otherwise. I think that there are four other Tackles who are similar prospects and one of them will probably be available in the second round. Learn a lesson from the Giants, just draft the best talent regardless of the position he plays. Only use position as a tiebreaker when you have two even prospects. At this point the best thing that could happen to the Chiefs is Darren McFadden falling to them. It's no secret Dallas wants McFadden, they are just waiting until draft day to see how far he falls before offering their two first round picks and change for the top hog. The Chiefs would be much better served getting those two picks and selecting a tackle later in the first round and getting that bonus pick.

That's all for now, I've got a few more ideas still stewing but I'm sick of typing and need to get to bed. Later.


Dave & Chels said...

1. Nice run down of the drafts.
2. Idol sucks. Thats all I have to say. We rock the fianl season as far as I am concerned. Last year was alright, but this year is horrible. Hope all is well. Keep up the good work.


Dave & Chels said...

Ah, Chris, I miss hanging out with you guys! (this is Chels now, by the way) And I miss doing American Idol nights with you guys! (It was more for the company of you guys than for the show. But the trash talking about the contestants was fun, too.) :)

thejencooper said...

Here's what I think about when I am driving my five minute trip from home to work: Rambo should make a guest appearance and slap Paula Abdul into "I can speak an intelligent sentence" land. Then, he can give Simon the boot back to the dirty ol' UK. Last, he should take away Randy's glasses and shoes just for fun, because that's the kind of stuff Rambo does for fun. HEROES NEVER DIE, THEY JUST RELOAD!!!!

Hi Cami :)

HTF said...

Liked the draft break-down. I have that fear about the Chiefs too. Ugh . . .

Scott Pope