Saturday, March 1, 2008

Cami in Action

My mother mentioned that all of my pictures of Cami seem to be of her lying on her back, and generally of her face. I guess the photographer in me usually likes those images the best, because they are clean (free of toys, and yikes!, house clutter) and because she has such a cute face. However, Cami does like to do things other than smile for the camera (actually, it's hard to catch smiles sometimes because when I put up the camera, she gets this look of awe, or basically a blank stare). Below are some shots of Cami in action: (As for what Chris and I are up to, this is basically it as well :)).

This is Cami playing in her "jungle" gym. She is learning how to hit and grab the elephant rattle when lying on her back, and loves to use her feet to grab the toys as well.

Here is a profile shot of Cami. These soft blocks have been great for tummy time and I think they'll grow with her for a while too.

Cami loves being able to hold these rings above her head and trying to get them in her mouth. Daddy helped her get ahold of them this time, and she didn't seem to realize how to let go!

Cami loves being talked to, and will try to "talk" back. She also loves being sung to, and will sometimes laugh hysterically when she particularly likes the song - her laugh is kind of low though, so it's really funny.

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