Sunday, March 30, 2008

Idol Thoughts

This week I'm taking a break from jotting down my sports comments for a few reasons. First and foremost I'm learning that 90% of the people who are reading this blog are women, and of those women 80% are here for the baby pictures and catching up purposes only. Since my sports thoughts tell you nothing about what we've been doing and typically includes no pictures then I am failing miserably with our key demographic. I have considered starting a separate sports blog, but most of those I've seen started only have one post that hasn't been updated in six months ( I'm staring right at you Jeff Cooper!) and it's most likely that few of our current readers ( Again mostly women) would click over to check it out. At least here I have a disinterested, but a captive audience.

My second reason for not going with sports talk this week is that my bracket is utter garbage and I'm a little bitter. FYI Carrie's bracket is better than mine once again...this will make three straight years... I don't want to talk about it. Needless to say I can already feel the smug, satisfied little smile that all you women who read my last post have. The lesson as always is don't mess with Karma, even on the Internet.

So since my bracket failures will ultimately result in the loss of my man card I decide to go all in this week and give you a breakdown of American Idol. So here's my thoughts in the order in which they are going home.

9. Syesha - She is American Idol's version of vanilla ice cream. You get someone like Syesha every year, looks like she fell out of a GAP ad, sings diva music ( Ugh.) , and is generally plain and uninteresting. Top that off with the fact the Carrie and I are SO sick of the type of music she sings ( last year I think they had 9 Syeshas on the women's side...I detest years where the only decent girls sing Diva/Soul music and they have several of them) and she has to go.

8. Kristy Lee Cook - Saved by the fact that it's country week this week and the only country singer in the competition isn't going to go home on country week..It's unamerican. Speaking of which, I completely agreed with Simon that she made the smartest music choice in the history of the show last week. It's like she read all the papers and said to herself ,"Let's see them just try to vote me off when I'm singing God Bless the USA." Still, she's not the greatest performer and 8 is a good spot for her.

7. Ramielle - I really wish she would be next to go, but apparently she's really popular with Filipinos and they vote en mass for her. I'm glad she has a fanbase and they enjoy her music, but now I have really great idea why Filipino music never makes it big over here. She can leave at anytime and that would me okay with me.

6. Michael Johns - He's been getting better. I have nothing nice to say here because of my steadfast belief that he's been pushed on the audience as "great" when he's average as best. That and I keep thinking of the "Take Home Chef" whenever I watch him ( An amazing show by the way. This single Aussie guy goes to the supermarket and finds the best looking woman in the place and offers to buy her groceries and cook dinner for her and her "significant other". He then spends all day cooking with her at her place and surprises the man of the house with a camera crew at the front door when he gets home, before letting him know that he was just there to cook dinner. I don't know about anyone else, but no dinner in the world makes up for the heart attack I would have by being met at my door at the end of the day by an Aussie soap opera star, my wife, and a camera crew. Just me I guess.)

5. Carly Smithson - I think she's better than this but I'm sure that America collectively hates the fact she's already had a record deal and couldn't cut it. A little unfair if you ask me, but people like what they like. She's been great a few times and I generally look forward to her performances. Nothing interesting to say here because Carly does nothing interesting but sing well. For me she's like a female Michael Johns...only if I liked Michael John's singing.

4. Jason Castro - My favorite quote of the year - " I guess if I'm going to do this I should put some more time into it." Really Jason? You do realize you're in the top ten of American Idol and now you're pretty much forced to record and perform music for the next 6-8 months? Yeah, I'd think that If all you had to do from week to week was pick and perform one friggin song you would want to put some time into it. Here's a hint, if you want America to stop thinking you're a stoner then stop doing and saying stoner things every time you're on the air. That said I love this guys sound. He's mellow and different and very interesting week to week. It's also nice to have someone that isn't so polished on the show, just to make you feel for a split second like it's a amateur competition. Right before you remember it's American Idol.

3. Brooke White - The first of our two Mormons this year. I am so biased on this one that I probably shouldn't say anything. However, I do not believe that it's a coincidence that her worst week was the week she wore the shorter yellow dress without sleeves...just saying. She has a naturally calming voice and if the next two weren't going to be enormous music stars she could win the whole thing.

2. David Cook- I want him to win. He's a rock star and ready to record right now. He's better at this point in the game and Daughtry was at the same stage two years ago. His song choices are always interesting and usually very well executed. I don't think he's smug at all, just a rock star trying to pull off the persona. There's a chance that his act could get old between now and the finale, but he's the one I look forward to listening to every week. His only weakness is that the American Idol crowd isn't his ultimate fanbase. I'm not sure a rock singer can win the whole thing...but I know who can.

1. David Archuleta - Donny Osmond reborn. A Disney Channel star without the Disney Channel. His biggest obstacle at this point is himself. I have this sinking feeling that David A. feels that his music will not only sell records, but cure world hunger, end poverty, and eventually lead to world peace. I'm sure the he sees himself as a mix of both Bill and Ted only without the guitars and the great catchphrase .( However in about two weeks I'm expecting him to bust out with a "Be Excellent to Each Other" on stage and claim the catchphrase for his own) This can be the only explanation for the fact the he feels it necessary to perform a "song with a message" every other week. I'm glad these songs have personal meaning for him, but they are seldom good and are really hurting his chances at winning, especially when David Cook is so good week to week. I think if someone sits down with Archie and lets him know that he'll have plenty of time to solve the worlds problems and be the UN Ambassador to some impoverished African nation after he wins then he should be okay. For now he need to stick to singing popular music and just be content with being the winner of American Idol.

That's all for now. Cami is scooting all over the place and I'm sure we'll be crawling in no time. Between solid foods and all this moving around that girl growing up fast and melting all kinds of hearts. Until later.


Dave & Chels said...

Chris, you crack me up. We miss hanging out with you on those Idol nights at your house...good times. I especially liked your comment about the Take-Home chef - I always get nervous when the husband/boyfriend gets home because that's what I would be thinking, too. David Cook is growing on me too, but let's admit it - there will never be another Daughtry. Dave & I agree that his season was the best Idol yet.
Just for the record, Dave loves reading your sports posts. Out of all our friend's blogs we have on our page, he only checks 4-5 often, and you guys are one of them!

Liz Odle said...

Chris honestly check out my husband and his brothers sports blog they'd love your comments and if you want to participate I'm sure they'd let you. Check out

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the thoughts. I am Chelsea Jackson's oldest and wisest brother and now you have one more person critiquing your blog.

Well done. All the thoughts everyone has about American Idol but has no idea how to express them.

HTF said...


Don't feel too bad about the brackets. Traci has pulled ahead of me and will probably beat me for the tenth time in eleven years of going head to head. Ugh.

Scott Pope

Coops said...

Well said Chris. I love the Idol breakdown. The only person I would disagree on is Jason Castro. For some reason I am not a fan AT ALL. I do love David Cook!
I guess it is hard to beat the Rowe girls when it comes to Marchania Brackets. What can I say?

thejencooper said...

You are HILARIOUS! HAHA! Ok, I would love for Brooke White to be in the top 3, but I'm thinking David Archuleta will win...unless of course Kristy Lee Cook shocks the nation and somehow wins by dumb luck because everybody loves a cute country girl and wants her to get her horse back...