Saturday, March 22, 2008

Cami's First Foods

Cami just turned 4 months old this week and we celebrated with solid foods. Cuteness ensued. Enjoy the pictures of her meal and how happy she is with Daddy these days.
FYI: We know the Bumbo shouldn't be on the table, but we were right there the ENTIRE time, and are getting a high chair tonight.


Carrie said...

Cute pictures. Cami is really growing up. I enjoyed Chris' post about the NCAA tournament. I made a few radical picks this year that so far have not paid off. Oral Roberts could have pulled it out, right? We're going to be in OP April 4-6th. We should get together if you're free.

Dave & Chels said...

Bentley's first food was an exciting time at our house, too. (Okay, maybe just for me.) I did the same thing with B's bumbo, so I'm not judging. I love that concentrated look on your face, Carrie! It's classic. I wish we lived closer to you so we could hang out with the kids! She is adorable, as usual!

Coops said...

So cute! It was fun to see you guys tonight. So glad that you are closer now. Love you guys!