Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cami's First Easter

The Easter Bunny has made his (hers? Its?) first delivery for Cameron Diggins. Sadly, Cameron will not be able to eat her Easter candy this year due to her just starting out on solid foods. Oh well, just looks like more for Mommy and Daddy. Enjoy Cami's Easter pictures. Cami and Daddy make the same expressions! She was actually pretty quiet today at church and at Grandma and Grandpas. That makes everybody happy!
Cami posing next to Grandma Rowe's Lamb cake.Cami with her first easter basket. She went right for the bunny.
Cami is looking a little overwhelmed with Easter.
Cami and the Easter bunny getting to be good friends.


Carrie said...

I have to admit, when I first looked at this post I just went straight to the pictures and I thought to myself, looks like Cami's going to need some help with those Cadbury eggs. You guys are funny. Chris and Cami look like they are having so much fun together. You should include a few more pics of Cami's delicious mom.

Jessica M said...

Cami is so beautiful! And that cake is amazing!