Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Josh at 8 weeks & Cami has hair

Well, Josh is getting past that newborn age & I finally got some pictures that look like him, so I thought I'd post. And yes, I know it is not July yet, but I had to change the wallpaper- anything to encourage the snowy weather to pass & the sun to start shining.

To accompany the pictures, some notes on Josh:

- He really loves toys! When you lay him underneath his baby gym, he will just bat away at the little objects like crazy, often for long peroids of time (Mommy likes :)). I have occassionally caught him giving the toys one of his sly little smiles.
- This baby can eat - and dirty those little diapers. He is doing a great job growing.
- He is starting to make cute little coos and baby noises - you have to love it.
Now for the pictures -

This is pretty much the way he is looking these days. I think he is starting to resemble us more & more. He is continuing to lose hair, & now his old man patch in front extends almost all the way back.

This is a cute little face he makes. He is generally a content little guy, except for when waking up from naps - I can relate to that - waking up from naps always makes me grumpy too.

Here's a good smile - I know I put it in the banner too, but I just love it that he's smiling so much now.
On to Cami - despite her early baldness (forever), she is finally getting a good amount of hair. She's had one haircut, and I am debating getting another, I am just not sure. I want to grow it out long, but I also don't want her bangs in her eyes. I am hesitant to trim her bangs though, because unless I have her hair pulled back (see below - I usually just do one ponytail, but I thought this was fun), they come from WAY back on her head. If anyone has any good solutions, just let me know.

Cami still loves books, with Clifford being her favorite. She is also obsessed with water, and loves all things related, including "The Little Mermaid" and "Finding Nemo". She started a swim class this week, and I'll have to get some pics of her in her suit before it is over.

Chris has a new territory at work & is busy making new sales. I am still adjusting being Mommy to two and can't wait for spring. Josh is letting me know he is unhappy - until later...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blessing Day

Well, we haven't been great about posting photos, but it doesn't mean we haven't taken any. In fact, since today was Josh's blessing day, he was happy to pose for a few shots. Chris gave him a beautiful blessing and it was wonderful to have so much family there with us. It was also his first Sunday at church, and we were told by a few that he seemed big for his age (6 1/2 wks), but you'll have to judge for yourself. In other news, Chris turns 29 on Tuesday, and we plan on having a date night this week, both things which are really exciting here in the Diggins household. As for Cami, she is beginning to acknowledge her baby brother, and is asserting her independence as a sassy two-year old with commanding phrases like, "Now catch the pickle Momma!" as she throws it repeatedly around the room (referring to a fake pickle from her kitchen set - she is a funny girl).

Here are some pictures with very little explanation because I fear if I don't finish this post quickly, it will never happen!

Cami is just zany these days - it's hard for any picture to capture her silliness & energy, but you get the idea.

A rare photo of Chris and I together...not bad for holding the camera out in front of us.

Josh & I snuggling - he is a big cuddler.

Another Josh & Momma photo...

Chris & Josh - the boys of the house.
We are enjoying Josh's sweet spirit in our home - he is generally quite peaceful and happy. Having two kids though is much harder in some ways than I would have thought, but we're getting adjusted little by little. In short, life is good. (I will try to post some more coherent thoughts at a later time, but at this hour, my tired clock is leaving my brain very fuzzy. Attaching photos is about all that I can do. :))