Saturday, June 13, 2009

Another little one on the way...

Well, as I was checking out everyone else's blog this morning, I though about how long it has been since I updated mine, especially since I have good news that some far-away friends or family might not know (unless everyone has stopped checking to see if we've written anything, in which case, I would not blame you). We are pregnant again (technically more me than Chris, but you understand)! I am 14 weeks along right now, with a due date of December 22. This means that I will pretty much be pregnant for the rest of the year, and that with any luck, the baby will be born on Christmas Day :).

We are very excited, and I am especially pleased that my morning (all day) sickness seems to be waning, and I can actually act like a normal person again. I know Chris will love having meals and a clean home once again! I found a new recipe blog that I like & am excited to try some out. Here is the link if anyone is interested: There's a new recipe every day, which for some reason I find very exciting.

Other than that, we are just enjoying going to the park & library (we found a park right next to the library, which has been very convenient) and the swimming pool. Chris will have a couple of days off for the 4th, so if anyone has any suggestions of cheap things to do with a 19-month old in KC, let us know. As I've been interrupted in my attempts to publish this post about five times over the last week, I'm going to call that good for now. Hope everyone is having a great summer!