Thursday, October 18, 2007

Settled in Kansas: 9 Months and Counting...

We are finally settled in here in Kansas, and closed on our house in Houston yesterday. We will really miss it, and all of our good friends there! We've only been in KC for 2 1/2 weeks, but it seems like much longer - perhaps because I am carrying a watermelon around on my front!

Earlier this week, I officially reached 9 months. Baby Cami is due Nov. 12, and we are ready for her (or as ready as we can be). As the photos indicate, our childbirth classes have been very enlightening, particularly for Chris! While he denies it, I feel he truly enjoyed wearing the empathy belly :). We take our hospital tour tonight, and I am very interested in exploring what they call the "nourishment room". Once the baby comes, my gestational diabetes should fade quickly, and I will get to taste the sweet goodness of the holiday season, at least in moderation. We'll make sure to post some pics of the little sweetie soon after birth!

Chris is enjoying his job here with Office Depot, where he is developing contracts for education and government business. I have mostly been trying to get our things organized here in our temporary location, my parent's house, and searching the area for a new home. We've also been able to spend lots of time with family, especially my nieces and nephews, who can be very entertaining. So that is life in Kansas - we'll keep you updated about the birth & more!