On to the next subject and that's Cucumbers. I was out picking them from our garden the other day and I had noticed that one cucumber had escaped my usual harvest for several weeks, and got just huge.
No general Cuteness. We celebrated Pioneer Day with the family this week by eating hot soup and walking in the blazing heat. What better way to commemorate those who suffered so much for the gospel to go out and voluntarily suffer a little ourselves. Seriously, we did have a good time and some good pictures.
This has nothing to do with Pioneer day, but Cami has started playing with her Doll House and it's really cute.
Cami's first taste of Watermelon...she's a big fan.
Cami with cousins Ethan, Madison,Spencer, and Peyton. This is about 1/3 of the actual Cousin photo but it's the only one on our camera so here it is. We have tons more pictures from Pioneer Day because Cami was in a particularly good mood. I'm sure those will be posted as soon as we get them off the other camera.
So that about wraps up the week, but before I wrap this up I want to say a few words about, "The Dark Knight". I have some minor spoilers in here, very minor, so if you want to go in with a fresh take don't read further. I went on Friday and It's now Saturday and I'm not sure what to think. In a sense I loved it, it was a perfect action movie, the pace was quick and it moved rapidly from one awesome scene to the next. It had me sucked in from the first minute.
If I have a problem it's that the acting was almost too good. The Joker is perfect, everything you've read is true and more. The only question I have is is the Joker a character worthy of a perfect depiction? Comic book villains are one thing, but I believe that this Joker was actually a twisted mass murderer with no personal motivations other than fulfilling his own twisted sense of fun through murder and general chaos. It bordered on disturbing, so I am left conflicted as I am in awe of how "real" they made this otherwise cliche villain but horrified that someone could even think of an individual so twisted.
What really surprised me about the movie was how much I liked Harvey Dent, and how much his fall to become Two-Face was disheartening. I thought his performance was on par with the Joker's. Couple that with Christian Bale turning in the same sort of performance as in the first move and this movie was really well acted, but almost too well acted because of the subject matter. Even though this is a movie about a comic book the subject is fighting crime in a city riddled with corruption, and how that fight can escalate to incredible levels that it only reaches in comic books.
This is not one for the kiddos, but it's not a bad movie. Just go expecting an action/suspense/horror movie because this movie contains elements of all three. If you're not in the mood to watch all three than go see something else, If you're looking for a traditional Superhero movie go see Iron Man. But if you are in the mood for a triple threat movie that is as well done as it gets, even if you are not into Superhero movies than this is the one to see.
The Royals game looks like fun, I've never sat that close before. It looks like your garden, or at least your cucumbers, are doing really well. We need to come up and see you guys...Carrie, did you see The Dark Knight too?
Cami is so beautiful! And your cucumbers are amazing! Wow! I never knew that I would like gardening so much. Isn't it exciting?
We haven't seen The Dark Knight yet. I had several people tell me that they left the theater singing "I am a child of God". We loved the first batman, have been really interested in this one but I think I may wait until it comes out on video to see it. That way I can turn it off if I need to.
And I disagree, Ironman was not a typical superhero movie. You know why? Because I actually liked it! Great film.
PS- David Archuletta should have won American Idol.
Check out that girl! Cami is getting prettier everyday! I love the driving lesson - taking life's lessons from Britney Spears I see (just kidding!) You guys all look awesome. Hope you are having a great summer!
I think the world needs to hear what the Diggins are thinking about the Olympics...
Hello there. We miss y'all! Love your blog. Keep in touch.
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