Monday, December 28, 2009

Pics from Home

We've been home for about 48 hours now, so I thought I'd try to post a couple of pics of the little guy. He's doing great, and is actually sleeping in his bassinet right now, which is nice. (He'll do that during the day, but for some reason he just wants to be held all night! I haven't slept in a horizontal postion in over 24 hours, but my body is realizing that sleep is still sleep, so I am getting by sitting up.)
First, here is a picture of little Josh with his eyes open. It's not the best quality, but he is looking at the camera, so you can really see how he looks pretty well. In some ways he looks a lot like Cami did, but in others not so much. I definetly think he looks like a boy & she was much more feminine looking (which makes sense of course).
Here's another, better quality, but not looking at the camera. Isn't he sweet?
Here is a view from my perspective. As mentioned before, this little guy likes to be held, so I spend much of my time lookind down to this. With a face like that though, how can you resist? As you can see, it looks like he is going to have dark hair. The verdict is still out on his eyes.

As for little Cami, she is still pretty disinterested in him, but doesn't mind all of the attention he is getting, at least for now. We are just happy to all be home as a family, and now I better go tend to the little ones! Happy New Year this week!

1 comment:

Sheri Bird said...

Congratulations you guys! Oh my goodness, that is a good lookin kid! I'm glad to hear that Carrie is recovering well!