Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm in labor...just kidding!

Well, I just wanted to let anyone who might be wondering know....I'm still pregnant! Not that this is a big deal, and not that we won't have the baby in the next two weeks, but clearly yesterday was not the big day. In honor of this, I will post a picture of me still pregnant. This photo isn't the best quality, but I realize I haven't documented this pregnancy as well (guess I had other things to keep me 2 year old) so there isn't much to chose from in the last week. Alas, this was the same outfit I was wearing yesterday on our trip to the hospital. Chris was kind enough to say that it was just a dry run - now we know we can get there, as well as my parents out to watch Cami, before I have the baby, right? I guess I should have paid better attention the wise warning from my older sister about the severity of pain and closeness of contractions during her false labor. Truly though, you can probably tell I am still confused by the whole thing, but after a day of contractions, we are no closer to seeing little Josh yet. So, oh well...back to square one on the labor front! And Merry Christmas everyone!


Marie said...

Man! Contractions with no results stink!!! Good luck on the next couple of weeks. We look forward to meeting the new Diggins addition! :)

Carrie said...

I've been meaning to call you. False alarms are no fun. We had one this week too, I am ashamed to say. You look great! Can't wait to meet Mr. Josh.

Melissa said...

Oh, I feel for you...those last weeks are really no fun. You look great! Good luck with the labor and Merry Christmas with your new little gift!