Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Time is Up!

Well, after months and months of waiting, we have finally reached the due date! And you though I meant we had the baby - sorry, no. Actually, with all of our false alarms this time around, we are both more than shocked to be just a home chilling right now. I had our presents bought & wrapped weeks ago, hospital bags in car, Cami's bags labeled with each item that was in them etc., but to no avail. Over the weekend, we had some pre-labor symptoms that had all of my sisters thinking we'd be done by Sunday for sure, and us to for that matter. I think we are almost to the point of just letting loose here, not constantly picking up & doing wash so their won't be a stitch of laundry, etc. Maybe if the house gets a little messy, then that will be the time to go into labor - who knows? So while we try to keep busy here, just though I'd let you know - I am officially 40 weeks! And Merry Christmas! (As for actual news, we have another doctors appt. tomorrow, where I am sure I'll have to set an induction date, so I'll post that when it happens.)


The Inzer Family said...

Good Luck!! Maybe you will get a Christmas baby? I will be excited to see what the doctor says tomorrow :)

thejencooper said...

Good luck guys! We are so excited for you and the new baby!