Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cami's 1st Birthday

On Saturday Cami turned 1, so being the incredible parents we are we threw her a birthday party that she won't remember and where she didn't really know what was going on. Basically a weeks worth of work for a 3 hour photo op, but what a great photo op! We had a small party with just family (If you can consider a Rowe family gathering small) Her cousins came over and we had games, and cake, and presents, and a good time. I've decided that kids parties are a lot like fireworks, lots of time and expense in making it happen for about 15 seconds of pay off. Still, she seemed happy and we hope all the kids enjoyed themselves. Here's Cami on her Birthday morning. One year older and wiser too!

Her Birthday party theme was " A Bookworm Birthday" Carrie made the book with the worm cake herself ( very good) and I frosted the cupcakes ( Very bad)

Cami, just figuring out what this Brithday Cake and singing thing is all about.

Here she is enjoying a well smashed cupcake.

We cleaned up the basement and had games downstairs. This is my niece Ashlyn taking her turn on "Pin the Bowtie on the Bookworm" With Claire, Aubrianna, and Ethan looking on.

Story time during the party. BTW, we asked the kids to dress up as their favorite character from a book. Nice outfit Mom Rowe!!


Stacey Kirchner said...

Cute idea for a party. I should use that for Will's next party since he'll be starting pre-school next year.

Robert Brandon Henderson said...

I can't believe Cami is already a year old. She is so adorable. Carrie, great job with the party - you outdo yourself time and time again. I wish I was there. It's so funny what we are willing to do just to get a good photo op, even if our child won't remember it - we will later show them the picture, thinking they will remember the event somehow! So much fun!

Carrie said...

Did you dress up as Matilda?