Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Picture Pages

Usually I'm not one to rake a bunch of leaves. It think it's better for the lawn to let them sit....or it's just much MUCH easier for me. Either way I came home this afternoon and found a bunch of leaves in my backyard and a bored two year old. So Naturally...... We raked them up and had a little bit of fun....
Posed for some pictures.....

Threw the leaves around.....

And generally had a good time.

Eventually Cami convinced me to join in the fun....

And then she watched as I finished cleaning up. Very exciting afternoon for Cami.
Also, last week we took a trip to Nauvoo for Katie's wedding. It was almost five years ago that Carrie and I were married there. It was a little less cold this time around, but last time we were a little less busy.

Here's Cami trying to get Mom to hurry up outside the temple.

She did stop running around long enough to take a picture.

This one pretty much sums up the conditions after the wedding. A little windy, wet, and cold.

Here's Cami in the Nauvoo Family life center. It was less windy inside, so she was much more happy.

Riding the pine next to a buggy.

Mommy snagged her for a picture. If you noticed a pattern , you're right, it is very difficult to get Cami to stop and take a picture. For every good one we get there are at least 7 or 8 we can't use.

In the blacksmith shop.

With her Cousins Lexi and Ashlyn.

In front of the Blacksmith's fire with the Coopers. Cami was much more interested in the fire than in the picture I'm afraid. However, after a solid week of picture taking Cami now says ," Smiles!" Every time we take out the camera. I'm glad she's got that down, now if she would only sit still....


Lori said...

Cami is such a cutie! I love those pictures in the leaves and her hair looking all crazy outside of the temple. What a cute family!

Carrie said...

Diggins Family:

Lookin' sharp in Nauvoo.

It looks like you had a fun afternoon in the leaves.

I thoroughly enjoyed the new post. Don't make me wait so long next time.


thejencooper said...

Cami is getting so big! She is so gorgeous! I love all the pictures.

Stacey Kirchner said...

Cute cute pictures. Your little girl is gorgeous!

Rachel said...

It was so fun to see you guys even though the time was so quick!!!!! Good luck with the upcoming new bundle!

Dave & Chels said...

Oh Carrie, you are such a cute pregnant lady. I can't believe how big Cami is - that proves you need to blog more!! We miss you guys!

Candace said...

Love the pictures! Cami really is so beautiful (like her parents)! And I'm with Carrie...don't make us wait so long for updates :) Miss you guys!

Jessica M said...

Fun pictures! Cami is a complete doll.

Melissa said...

I love pictures in the leaves! And I love that you posted again! YAY! Carrie, you are looking great. I hope you are feeling good too. And Chris, you of course look wonderful as ever. Cami is such a babe! If you can call a child that. She is such a pretty little girl and looks like she had a blast at Katie's wedding. Now, you just need to post some pictures of that too!