Friday, July 24, 2009

Almost Half Way

So I still have another week and a half till I'm actually 20 weeks, but it is so close that I'm getting very excited! Mingo (that is what Chris calls the baby in utero - actually so do I now too & Cami - she says "Mingo Baby" - it will be easier to consider actual names when we find out the gender) has been very evident for a while now, so I thought I'd post the belly picture too. I actually started feeling the baby move about a month ago too, so I've felt pretty pregnant the last month (though of course that part is great). On the very much upside, I have felt SO much better lately, with only the occasional nausea. My house is finally acceptably clean & I only have to take a nap every few days. We will find out if it's a boy or girl at 20 weeks too, unless Chris can convince the doctor at our appointment in 5 days to let us get the ultrasound a few days early.

As for the rest of us, we have just been enjoying a fun Kansas summer. Over the Fourth of July we went to several museums & enjoyed good family time swimming. Cami really loves the water, but constantly wants in and out if there's no zero depth entry ("out, out" quickly followed by a short run & "backee in water"). It's hard to imagine her getting any more active, but she is very fun. She is talking a lot now & actually speaking in full sentences some of the time. She also recently said all of her ABC's, loves to count (she's up to twelve, which is always followed by "sixteem" - too cute to correct), and knows almost all of her shapes. More than anything though, she adores Clifford the Big Red Dog, and is constantly hounding us to read the same two Clifford books we have to her, or to watch the TV show, which she is only allowed in the morning (or if one of us is really tired - let's be real :)). We are still a long way off from the birth of the baby, but as Cami is pretty much running the show these days, I think it will be quite the shocker for her. Oh, I am also in the process of converting her room from baby to toddler, mostly an excuse for new decor, so I will take pics when that is complete. Here is a swinging picture though, from our family photo shoot a little while back, & something else that Cami loves - such a cheeser.


Carrie said...

Lookin' good! And by the way, why didn't you put a picture that included you at the top of your blog? I always feel like Chris is a single dad when I see that picture.

The Diggins Family said...

Carrie - can't figure out how to reply, so I will just comment. I hardly ever post pics with me in them b/c I am so unphotogenic (plus someone has to take the pictures)! I actually think I looked particularly bad that day, very round-faced, but they were both so cute. That is funny that you think that though! (I will consider finding a decent pic that includes me for your benefit).

Sarah said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I am *almost* over my camera issue. I can't believe you lost all those pictures!! Eek.

Congratulations on your up and coming addition! I am so excited for you guys! Two is awesome!!!

Stacey Kirchner said...

Congrats on your new addition. And Chris, please tell your wife she looks absolutely adorable! I am only 27 weeks, and look like I am to deliver any day now!

thejencooper said...

Cute pictures! You look so adorable. That stinks that you had to do a 3 hour glucose test before! That would not be fun. Cami is so adorable and so smart! I love all the updates! Keep them coming and we are excited to find out if you are having a girl or a boy :) Do you guys have any guesses on what he/she will be?

Emily said...

You are the cutest pregnant lady ever!