Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mini Blog Posts

There are pros and cons to spending three days watching four basketball games on four different TV's all at once. The pros are the basketball, and also pretending to be intensely zoned out and not hearing your wife when is calling for you, allowing me to avoid all sorts of child care duties. The cons are when all four games go to a commercial break, and each channel is playing the same commercial on four different TV's you feel like you're being brainwashed. Over the last three days of basketball I think I've seen the same 10 commercials on an endless cycle. It's been awful. The only one that is still even mildly entertaining is the midget farmer selling mini breakfast sandwiches. He just looks so happy, I like to think that there is an actual midget farmer out there who is as happy as that little fella. Anyway, in honor of the only commercial to make it out of the NCAA Tournament first round without me being completely tired of it I will post a series of "mini posts" in honor of that small dude and his farm.

1. After two days my bracket was already mathematically eliminated from winning Cooper's bracket contest. An all time low. This year I picked my teams based on how far they would have to travel each round. Next year I am going to select the college that I assume would have the best food ( including an in depth analysis of each school's freshman dining plan). I am almost guaranteed to do much better.

2. Speaking of food, I am no longer eating it. I started my diet this past week, and I've already passed on about 4 slices of pizza, two brats, 4 pieces of cake and Ice Cream, some Queso Dip, and several bowls of chocolate snacks. Some count the calories they eat, I count the calories I pass up on. It's a higher number and it makes me feel much better. Also, I did lose 7 pounds in week 1 ( Take that Biggest Loser!) So right now the thrill of success is trumping the constant dull ache for food. Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck.

3. This year I have discovered Dial Idol. They post their "results" measured by how often they get a busy signal when calling for all the contestants. They are very accurate, not completely accurate, but very accurate. Type in "Dial Idol Results" the morning after a show, their actual site won't give you the results for free, but there is some blog that does. Just a tip for all who like spoilers.

4. Quick Idol Thoughts : Alison would be my favorite if she were 10 years older. Danny Gokkey kind of sucks and we're all being fooled. No news could come out about Adam Lambert that would shock me, none, he's talented and can be entertaining, but he comes off fake and it bothers me, no idea who he really it. Kris Allen is my current favorite, if he continues to show the ability to arrange music to fit his voice he will stand a decent chance of being top 2.

5. Cami has decided that she wants to live outdoors full time. She LOVES running around in the yard and we are scrambling to find some outside toys for her, we are in the market for anything and everything Little Tykes has produced. Right now we have a little slide, a huge plastic wagon we picked up at a garage sale and we're still questing after one of those yellow-red cars that looks like an egg, a playhouse with shutters ( or just baby shutters, as that is the only feature on the house Cameron actually cares about), and a baby pic-nic table. I would like to pay $10 or less for all three because I am unreasonably cheap. So I have a feeling that hitting up garage sales will become a consistent practice for us over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

"I will post a series of 'mini posts' in honor of that small dude and his farm."

There are so many things I could say in response to that statement, most of them un-PC, but I think I will just keep my mouth shut and thank you for making me laugh.

I'm glad you are enjoying the maddness and way to go on passing up all that good food.