Monday, September 15, 2008

Pennsylvania Visit, Fantasy Football

Sorry for the lag in posting, but here's what we've been up to. Last week, we visited Chris's family in Lewisburg, PA. Cami had many firsts, including:

- her first plane ride: a perfect darling on the trip there, a little challenging on the return flight.
- her first trip to the hunting lodge: while she didnt' shoot any clay birds, Daddy had a pretty good go of it and Cami got to wear her camo shirt, so Mommy was happy.
- her first tailgate: always a winner when food is involved, followed by...
- her first Penn State football game: a solid victory, they were playing "Sweet Caroline" by the middle of the second quarter. Cami spent most of the game strapped to the front of Chris, who had a huge X of sweat on his back from the baby bjourn (a great visual, I know).
- her first long-term interaction with a dog: Sadie, Chris's parents year-old puppy, loved Cami. Cami had mixed feelings on the subject, but did pretty well.

Here are some visuals from the trip:

We had a great time & genuinely, Cami was a really good baby. Shelly & Warren (Nanee & Pop-pop) fed us well, as always, and were excellent hosts (as was Chris's brother Brian, who picked us up from the airport in Baltimore - Lewisburg is at least 2 1/2 hours from any major airport, so this is a big deal :)). So vacation with a baby is a little more complicated than flying solo was, but I think we will adjust to that over time. Now it is back to the old grind, and as Chris is outside mowing our extremely overgrown lawn, Cami is taking a very overdue nap.

While I know Chris will go into greater detail about this at another time, I have to mention we have a family fantaty football league. And a certain someone's team is 2-0...

One other note - I have become a couponing maniac! I never knew how much free stuff you can get if you will take the time to do it (and I mean time - clipping, planning, shopping...). Still, I was pretty proud of my Friday trip, which brought in this haul - $120 worth - 100% free!


Carrie said...

Thanks for the update! And...I need you to teach me how you get all that free stuff.

Ginny said...

Okay, spill the beans...I know I've been thinking about couponing lately and I don't know know where to begin! :)

We met at Spencer(my bro-in-law) and Anna's and I'm in your sister's ward

Jessica M said...

Looks like y'all had fun. You'll have to share your money saving secrets. I'm impressed!!

Melissa said...

What a fun trip! Happy Birthday last Wednesday! I have been meaning to tell you that for almost a week now. Sorry, I am so lame. I also need to be taught about the whole couponing thing. I have been meaning to do it for a while now but don't know how to start. Give me the goods!

Dave Kirchner said...

Yo Chris! This isn't really related to this post, but do you have a Facebook account? We've started up a group for the 65th ward and I wanted to invite you in. Just let me know-



Rachel said...

Mom has been telling me about you and Becky and all your couponing endeavors - but holy cow - that is amazing! That makes me really want to learn about it now. My main question is, how much time do you have to devote to all of this? Can I call you???!!!