Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family update

We have been a little short on Cami pictures that don't involve swimming. Here is a small sampling of what we've taken lately following by a breif family update. Cami has been growing so fast, we figured driving was the next logcal step.
Cami and Mommy, awww.
Cami with her friend Tommy. Sleepy babies.
During one of her many attempted jail breaks.
Daddy does try to feed me sometimes.
go ahead, hide behind the flower. I see the mess you made.

Fourth of July, sometimes you realize that either Mom or Dad is taking all the pictures and you need a decent family photo.

Cami loves her freedom.
Whew. That makes me feel better. Most of the time I feel pretty bad about filling our blog with line upon line of text when we have perfectly good Cami pictures to post which of infinately more interesting. Anyway, Here's the quick hit update on what the Diggins Family is upto
What We're doing: Clipping Coupons and Square Dancing
Carrie has been learning how to clip coupons like a champ! I've kind of gotten into it myself, there are all kinds of blogs and Web Sites on how to do crazy things like feed your family of four for under $1000 for the year. I love the concept, although I'm pretty sure that that family of four LOVES Raman noodles. Still I'm pretty impressed with the deals so far, $3.25 for a case of paper at Office Depot ( a whole 10 ream case) and then $30 coupons redeemed at our last Target trip. It's not bad for starters and most importantly it's been kind of fun to try and see where you can find savings.Square Dancing was a brief moment at our ward Pioneer Day party where we were able to have someone watch Cami for a few minutes while we enjoyed some good country fun! Not much to report on here except it's nice to have a moment to dance with my wife uninterrupted, even if the dancing is mildly ridiculous.
What we're reading: Various
I finished The Foundation this week and started in on Foundation and Empire by Isacc Asimov. Halfway through the book it is not quite as clever as the first book. The Foundation series deals with events over a long period of time so it comes off as more of a collection of short stories around a theme than a series of novels. The first book had some really clever twists that I never saw coming but the second book hasn't matched the first , even though I am enjoying it. Concurrently I am also reading "The Ten Day MBA" by Steven Silbiger. It's a nice overview of the sorts of things they teach you in buisiness school, the kind of book where you have to check how many pages are left in the chapter while you are reading it and reminding yourself that ,"I really want to read this book". It's more of an exercise in self improvement than a pleasure read. It is a ton of information to digest but I am getting some good things out of it like thinking more critically about my business, realizing that I don't want an MBA, and probably never again trying to read an glorified text book for fun. For all of that I am grateful. This week Carrie started a book called "The purrfect murder." a book about a cat that solves crime. Carrie only picked this up because the books by the mystery auther she wanted were out and I handed this to her as a quick ssubstitute. It soon both dawned on us that this is the kind of book crazy people read just before the cops bust in and arrest them for keeping 100 cats in there 600 square foot apartment. Needless to say she put it down about 25 pages in and went on to more worthwhile purrrrsuits ( get it...crazy book about cats, purrrsuits...I am so awesome).
What we're watching: Picture This! the made for TV Movie on ABC Family starring Ashley Tisdale of High School Musical fame. I think I just lost most of you after that sentence. Every couple has some querkie things that they do and we watch bad made for TV movies, primary the ones that involve high school related plots. It must stem from our mutual love for Saved By The Bell, but needless to say we were expecting a bad movie and were not disappointed. I weep for today's youth. A mostly good bunch of kids that has to endure this type of crap from the media telling them that this is what they should act like. Here's the plot summary, every bad high school related movie you've ever watched on this one centers around camera phones. It's like some producer at ABC family came up with the bright idea that if they actually wrote the plot around enough LG phones then the company would pick up the tab for the movie and they wouldn't even have to pay the Tisdale girl the insane money she's asking for. As an informertial the movie worked ( I actually liked the phones) but as a movie please do not approach unless you are out to make your kids noticably dumber or you share that same complusion we have to watch bad High School movies.


HTF said...

Hey Chris! Fun to see the photos . . . just be sure to let us know when Cami is out driving so we can have FHE or something here. :)

Nic and Katie said...

Oh you guys are so funny! Sadly, my friends and I were just talking about how we were sad we missed the premiere of the Ashley Tisdale movie...we too share the same passion with bad high school movies; despite the warning, I will likely still see it:) Good to hear Carrie gave up the cat book--I was worried. And Cami is adorable, as usual!

Carrie said...

I laughed out loud when I read your synopsis of the new Ashley Tisdale movie--although I too have to admit I am interested in seeing it.

I liked your puns regarding Carrie's cat-books. She'll have to post a review.

Cute family photo.