Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last Idol Post: The Triumph of Now

I'll make this short and sweet because David Cook won and there isn't much else to say that hasn't been said.

First, a word about David Archuleta. He's a prodigy and and best pure singer in the last 3 seasons of American Idol. He's 17. He still has to finish High School, he's thinking about a mission, his Dad is way too involved in his business. He really should have waited at least two more years to give this a go. It's not because he's not good enough, or because the chips fell this year so that he would only finish second. I think there is a very good chance he might look back and wish he could be just another kid for a little longer in his life.

Career wise he doesn't get a recording contract from the show so he's now a free agent, free to sign with whomever his Dad makes him sign with. I hope he signs with Disney, develops some acting chops, and does a few Disney channel movies and records. He'll me producing wholesome entertainment and be targeted toward the perfect market for him.

As for Cook, He won because of this:

Track 1: Hello
Track 2 Billy Jean
Track 3: World I Know
Track 4: Always Be My Baby
Track 5: Elanor Rigby
Track 6: Time of my Life
Track 7: I Still haven't found what I'm looking for
Track 8: Music of the Night

He's got a pretty good CD ready to go already. Archuleta is all potential but Cook is ready now. That's why I'm alright with tonight, because it's the best choice for right now and that's how the contest should be judged. Who did the best all season long, who is ready to be famous right now, and this year it's David Cook.


Rachel said...

But I LOVE David Archuleta - Katie and I are in mourning! Granted, we just found out 10 minutes ago, but we were so sure it was going to be Archuleta! We would buy Archuleta's cd over Cook's any day.

Carrie said...

Chris, I really enjoyed reading your American Idol posts. I'm kind of sad it is all over.
Carrie, yeah for some reason I had taken that post off but it is up again in all its glory.