Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Five Months Old: Cami's New Tricks

In honor of Cami's five month birthday (no, we're not actually celebrating it, though that would be a good excuse to make a cake...), I thought I would post a little of what she's been up to these days. Cami is getting to the silly age, and it's fun to see her little personality comes out. She loves to squeal and sing, and particularly recently, stick her little tongue out. She will get very excited and spin around in her saucer, knocking off all the toys! She is very happy most of the time, but still has a pretty intense little personality, and knows how to get upset as well.

Cami loves to put things in her mouth and she loves her feet! As you see from the picture above, she has found the perfect combination!

"I can sit!" (Okay, so she didn't actually say that, but don't the picture's say it all?) She still has to totally support herself with her arms, and sometimes she topples over, but she's getting better at it every day.
Well, I have more to post but the little roo is awake (I hear squealing from upstairs), so we'll save them for another time. Happy 5 months Cami!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

So cute! I am not suprised that she has an intense personality. And I agree with your accessment of the office. I was just so excited to finally see a new episode! Jan is certifiably crazy, I wonder how much longer their relationship is going to last. I did think Dwight bringing his former baby-sitter was hilarious as well as Michael's plamsa TV. And the bench-bed. Sad...hopefully this week will be more lighthearted.